Tuesday, November 10, 2009


dear all,

Like me, most of you might be caught up in the jams of life. So so much interesting things happening around us and always, out of curiosity, we attend to them. Busy schedules, friends, relationship ( mostly are those which end up breaking up), family, yum cha.... and the list goes on...

Have you all ever....... ,ever try to quieten yourself for 10 mins or more to think of these question until today:

1. Have I ever wondered who was the one who created the universe? ( Do give it a thought seriously)...............

2. Does God exist? ( Do give it a thought seriously)......................

3. If God exists, where is He now? ( Do give it a thought seriously).......................

4. How to look for Him? ( Do give it a thought seriously)..................


5. Does God know me personally? ( Do give it a thought seriously)........................

The 10 min or more that you spend on these question might be the one that will change your course of life and answer all your questions in life.... And lead you to the Truth of life that you are looking for.
